Hobart Mig Welding Machine – Ironman 230

Hobart Mig

Are Hobart Mig Welders as good as Miller?

The Hobart IronMan 230 mig welder is a 250 amp machine that is priced right.

in fact, while I am writing this, NorthernTool.com has the machine advertised for $1699 with spool gun included and with free shipping to the lower 48 USA states.

I have a thick aluminum job to build in a week or so with quite a bit of welding required and tig will just be too slow. It should be a pretty cool job because it has 2 round rings with tapered spokes and I will be using the Stronhand buildpro table to fit it up and hold it in place for welding.

I hardly ever get thick aluminum jobs like this so a high priced aluminum spool gun or a push pull system like a Cobramatic would be nice, it just doesn’t make sense for me right now.

First, I unboxed the IronMan 230 and set it up for steel with .035 (0.9mm) er70s6 wire and 75/25 ar/co2.

I welded a root pass in a 2g open butt 3/8″ ( 9mm) plate… an outside corner joint on 16ga hot rolled steel, and a couple of lap joints on 11 ga cold rolled.

The chart on the inside of the machine got me a good starting point for voltage but the wire speed recommendation was high for me. Once I trimmed that back, the arc was sweet like honey… This machine has a smooth arc on steel.

Aluminum is next so stay tuned for a few vids on mig welding aluminum with a spool gun and Hobart Mig Welder. So far, I have only welded a couple of beads on aluminum and was getting some sooty welds. But I will fix the problem and then let you know what it was. Say… that’s how we learn, isn’t it?

( And as always, feel free to visit us at our sister site, WeldingTipsAndTricks.com. )

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  1. I have seen that welder at a local farm supply store for $1499.00 / w/o spool gun. Spool gun seperate is 199.00. I am going to buy one in the near future . Thanks for trying it out for us. It will be my first 230v mig welder. I have a 110 v Firepower 135 – that welds great but only for about 10 minutes then you gotta let it cool for an hour. Is there any way of getting more duty cycle out of the little welders? Can a guy add fans or heat sinks ?

  2. I think it’s great that you showed the out of the box set up. As a beginner welder this inspires me to get my own machine.

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