6g Pipe Welding Certification Test – Part 2: The Hot Pass

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This is Part 2 in a series of tips for a 6g welding test.

This video shows the hot pass along with a review of the root pass.

In part 1 of this series of 6g welding test videos I showed tips for the root pass doing the lay wire technique as well as the keyhole dip welding technique.

Here are the amperage ranges that work for me on the root pass.

  • for a 5/32″ gap, about 65 amps was about right.
  • a 1/8″ gap took about 70 – 75 amps
  • a 3/32″ gap needed around 80 amps…

At least on my machine that was about right.

I was not using a foot pedal but using the torch switch and even though this machine does have high frequency start and ability to plug in a pedal, I showed trailing out of the puddle a few times in the part 1 video just because thats how you have to do it with an air cooled scratch start rig.

The hot pass the second pass on a pipe joint and on a tig pipe joint is not really that hot. The term hot pass was created in reference to 6010 pipe welds where the second pass is run pretty hot in order to burn out slag left behind by the root pass.

I ran the hot pass on this joint at around 85-90 amps and kept a bit of pressure on the rod so that if the puddle wanted to accept more rod, rod would feed instead of melting back inside the root.

Using the lay wire technique and 1/8″ er70s2 wire and a tig finger to let me prop on the pipe, the weld went in pretty well…considering it has been a few years since my last 6g welding test.

A word about the commercial in the video.

I have a good product. It works. I get zero complaints.

But I still make sure to earn the right to ask for a sale.

I made sure to include plenty of instructive arc shots in this video because I have learned one thing about selling things.

“In order to get something, I have to give something.”

I shoot at least one video every week and because of my ADHD or whatever you call it, it takes me way over an hour for every minute of video.

In order for me to be able to keep this up, I have to get paid every now and then and selling this Tig finger thingy helps a lot in keeping all the bills paid.

So…If you are taking a 6g welding test in the future, or just want to be able to make all kinds of tig welds without your knuckles screaming for you to stop, ..

Go ahead and order yours now.

Click Here to visit the store and order you Tig Fingers.

Click here to subscribe to my Video of the Week!


  1. The tig finger is AMAZING, today I used it and passed my 6g X-ray test. Thank you for helping!

  2. I dont understand why you would free hand this test instead of just walking the cup, but you obviously have the experience to do it so suppose it works…just seems like making life harder than it should be

  3. Ronald Sutton

    May 19, 2013 at 12:24 AM

    Hi Jody
    I started my welding business in 1972 with a Miller 330 Gold Star, shop rate $27.00. In 1985 Miller gave me a Aero Wave 300 to try out. The advances welding machines have achieved is incredible I now have a Dynasty 200 SD. for home use. Your videos are exceptionally informative and the welding Quality is astounding. I blame it all on your TIG finger, I just ordered mine. I hope it makes my welding look as good as yours.

  4. been welding now for the past 30 years never seen anything like the tig finger heat shield looks realy cool.am I able to buy them in the u.k.

  5. I´ve used the Tig-finger for the last year and it really works great!
    Specially in pipewlding it comes in very handy.
    Keep up the good work Jody!

  6. Russell Bowling

    July 31, 2012 at 2:56 PM

    Good video, good camera work also.

    What about a video on the different rods and when and where to use them (6010, 6011, 6013, and the low hydrogen rods also) Retired instructor can not get enough information, may go back and teach a couple of classes at the local high school, so keep the information coming.

    Yes the Tig finger does work well.

    Need information on the welding table, need something in my garage to work off of and it looks like the cats moew???? and the Green welder for Tig????

  7. Hi jody love all your videos and I will be ordering a bundle of TIG fingers and shirts very soon . Again excellent videos and information but I wanted to ask if it was at all possible for you to make a video of a 6g pipe with 6010 root and hot pass with a 7018 fill and cap old school. Interested on how to use the 6010 rod right.

    Thanks again and again for these real informative and beautiful videos


  8. the video is not visable????

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