Stick Welding 6G 2 inch Pipe Welding Test

Pipe Welding Test

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Today we talk about a few more pipe welding tips… specifically stick welding the cover pass on a 6g 2 inch schedule 80 pipe test.

This week’s video is Part 3 of welding a 6g pipe welding test using 2 inch schedule 80 pipe coupons ordered from Triangle Engineering. (you can find their website here: )

In the 2 previous videos, I gave some tips for the root pass and hot pass. Both root and hot pass were done with tig.

Since the root and hot pass just about filled up the joint, it would seem that it would be welded all the way with tig.

Tig all the way would be my choice for 2″ schedule 80.

But for welding certification tests, what is specified is not necessarily the best way. A 2″ schedule 80 with tig root and hot pass and stick fill and cover is engineered to qualify both processes using one test joint.

Eventually, I will do a 6g pipe test all the way out using Tig only… along with some walking the cup videos.

I used Lincoln Excalibur 7018 rods at around 90-95 amps for the cover pass on this pipe test.

Pay attention to the video where I show a different method of chucking up the rod in the stinger… as well as how I prop and collapse my hands as I reposition my body around the pipe.

This method has worked way better for me than other techniques… and I can make it all the way from bottom to top without stopping and without a big ball of metal falling in the crook of my elbow and making me stop.

It works for me. It may not work for you. But I offer it as an option… worth every penny it costs you to watch the video.

Another tip is Staggering the tie-ins on the bottom of the pipe.

It’s a good idea to stagger the tie-ins on the bottom of the pipe. Especially on heavy wall pipe joints that require several beads on the fill and cover passes.

I bought these excalibur rods specifically for the purpose of shooting a video comparing them to hobart rods. I did that video a few weeks ago.

Believe it or not, I almost never need to stick weld in the shop. I don’t even have a decent rod oven – so these rods have been left out for quite a while and are not OK for code work. 7018 rods can not be left outside an oven once opened without absorbing moisture and hydrogen. 7018 rods are low hydrogen rods. When they are left out, they are not low hydrogen, and are not OK to use for coded welds where low hydrogen rods are specified.

( As always, feel free to visit us at our sister site, )

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  1. Jody,

    The vids are great, i really look fwd to seeing them at the end of the week. I run a little 3 man shop and man do they watch the vids. I had to dye the tig fingers different colors for each one, they are very stingy in letting someone ELSE use their finger. CAlls of “Give me the finger ” echo back and forth across out little shop. Keep up the good work, christmas is coming and I give away your T-shirts to my guys for the new year. Thanks again for your good work.

    Mike, Phil & The Kid

  2. Hi do you have a picture or sketch of the fixture you use to hold the pipe coupon in the 6G position to weld, Thank You for all your great videos

  3. Hi Jody,
    I have had a cheap MIG-velder for about 4 years, and although I have done some welding that still hangs together, I have not felt comfortable, and the welds have been UGLY. Your videos, and especially the good filming and the way you make it seem both easy, interesting and funny have helped me a lot. After some training on scrap I did a lot of welding on my son in law’s old Volvo today. All of it thin sheet 0.7 to 1.5mm. It was ALMOST easy! And the welds looked quite good, they could even take a few blows with the hammer!
    Inspired by your videos, I have bought a AC/DC Pulse TIG, Stick and Plasma cutter, and look forward to try it out. My budget restrictions made that one from the great copier, but maybe sometime I will get a Lincoln, Miller…) A great THANK YOU for these excellent videos. (I have bought a couple of TIG fingers and a T-shirt also, and will buy more, the T-shirts are very nice 🙂
    Again, thank You for the videos.

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