Fabricating a Shop Stool

Making a Shop Stool

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This week’s video is a welding project.

You can buy a decent shop stool for around 30 bucks… but to get a heavy duty adjustable height stool, the price goes up quickly.

Besides, not only do I need a couple of adjustable shop stools, I also needed a project for this week’s video because…

… I got behind the eight ball a little bit from going to FabTech.

I got an email the other day asking about ideas for simple welding projects.

I did some googling and came up with quite a few ideas for shop stools and bar stools.

So a quick welding project on how to fab a shop stool seemed to be a good idea for this week.

This is just one of many possibilities for making a shop stool.

Turns out it might be a pretty good design provided the seat comes out ok.

Like I mentioned in the video, I used materials that were laying around the shop but also had to buy a few things.

The bill of materials looks something like this:

  • 3/16″ x 3/4″ x 6″ flat bar 6 ea
  • 1″ threaded rod 18″ long
  • 3-one inch nuts
  • 3 pieces of 1/2″ pipe cut to 19-1/2″

The seat could be made out of sheet metal, wood, etc. along with some type of pad or cushion. I will figure that out later for part 2.

In the near future, I am planning on making a couple of shop stools out of scrap bicycles. Since it’s already got a built in adjustable height seat, and lots of tubing, I figure I can cut the frame up and have a decent tool with very little effort.

Stay tuned for that one, it should be a good tig welding project.

( As always, feel free to visit us at our sister site, WeldingTipsAndTricks.com. )

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  1. very interesting and very informative an thanks for this kind of weld info

  2. Dolores Ardinger

    April 5, 2013 at 4:04 AM

    Swivel bar stools are a brilliant idea for bar furniture and have many unseen advantages for both business and pleasure. Swivel bar stools are practical because they have excellent manoeuvrability when being sat in, this allows for extra comfort and convenience for those who are sitting in them. When in the bar or restaurant industries, swivel bar stools are usually affixed to the one spot, this facilitates the look of neatness and a well compacted yet spacious seating area. Most significantly swivel bar stools always look very chic and have an air of prestige about them.*

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  3. ok jody great one on the stool…. i have a suggestion for a future video. i built a clamp stand to keep the mess down in the shop. way cool and holds every thing i have that looks like a clamp for welding. got tired of walking around it so i put it on wheels now i can move it out of the way and to whichever table i am working on keeps me from running back and forth and i Can STAY WELDING. if you want some pictures no problem. i like making stuff that helps me to do work faster better and is an advertisement to those who come in for projects if you know what i mean…. don’t look at the blue light later. keep up the gppd wprk. i need some more tee shirts and tig fingers one of these days

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