Lincoln Powermig 350 vs “The Thickness”

Lincoln Powermig 350

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I got a thick aluminum job in the shop and also got a new Lincoln Powermig 350mp with push pull gun.

Pretty freaking awesome.

I wish I had the time to really tweak the setting before tackling this job with a new setup like this but this part needs to get done asap.
Deadlines.. deadlines… blah… blah.

I did try out just a few settings and wound up using around 600 ipm of wire speed and that was because all I had was .035″ (.9mm) wire.
A thick job like would go better with thicker wire and that brings me to some tips for mig welding aluminum

  • Use as large a diameter wire as you can. It feeds better.
  • Push, don’t pull. There are always exceptions, but a push angle works better and allows for better cleaning action and less soot.
  • Too much argon flow wastes argon and can actually cause an erratic arc.
  • Clean any debris like oil or grease with a solvent like acetone, toluene, or alcohol before welding.
  • There are also liquid aluminum cleaners available that etch the surface, but a thorough rinse and preheat to remove moisture are needed.

There is one main tip I was reminded of on this project:

When you are welding a flange or base plate, and you have more than one to do, clamping them together back to back helps. Stresses oppose and it’s easier to get a flat base plate.

I even had to heat the part to 350f with a rosebud in order to get it to relax… but it worked.

Oh, and by the way…

If you missed last week’s video, click here to check it out.

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  1. Frigging Awesome Bro……….!!!!!!

  2. Interested to know what filler you used, from the amount of smut I think 5356?
    I have the same machine with push pull gun and on a good day can run .030 4043, but all the stars must be aligned. Thanks for all the good videos, I always pick up some good info!

  3. Thanks again for excellent information. Especially the back to back tack-up. I will definitely give this a try on the next job. Please keep the fantastic videos coming.

  4. Great job on this. You are one metal wise son of a gun!

  5. Your the man. Im at a loss for words. 2 thumbs up!!!

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