6G Tig Pipe Welding Test – Part 2

6G Tig Pipe Welding Test

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This is Part 2 of the 6G Tig Pipe Test series. It’s about how to weld the hot pass.

The term “hot pass” is misleading in tig welding. In stick welding open butt root passes using 6010 rod, the hot pass is commonly welded with a bit higher amperage in order to burn out any slag or undercut in the root pass. But in Tig welding, there is no slag and there is usually no undercut to worry about after the root pass is done. So the main goal for the hot pass is to deposit a sound layer of weld with no cold lap or other defects… while not screwing up the root pass in any way.

The main culprit is usually “suck back”!

Suck back is a non standard or kind of a slang term to describe what happens when you melt all the way thru the root pass and “suck it back” to where it is below flush or where the smooth protrusion of the root is disrupted by areas that have been melted and are now uneven.

Suck back is not good. Inspectors and weld test administrators don’t like it. It is something to avoid.

So how do you avoid it?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • use about the same amperage as what worked well for the root pass.
  • leave the rod in the puddle to help cool it off.
  • move quickly across the middle.

If you are preparing to take a 6G test, I wish you luck.

Peace Out. -Jody

( As always, feel free to visit us at our sister site, WeldingTipsAndTricks.com. )

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  1. I would like to thank you for attempts to write this article. Thank you for sharing informational suggestions.

  2. Jody, great stuff on the 6-G pipe joints..just like the old days! My question is: Since we are not building refinery’s, coal-fired power houses, nuclear power houses, nuke subs…etc., where is all the pipe welding going on??? It sure isn’t out here in the west!

    • John I got out of the oil business in 1982 when we had a glut in the US. Since that time fracking has come online and we have seen the price of gas and oil skyrocket. Texas, N.Dekota, Penn, Ohio and states friendly to fracking are building pipelines and welders are making lots of money there. I am too old and arthritic to take advantag of it now so I am staying home and welding in y shop. There is a ton of work for good pipeline welders. Dan

      • Dan, like you I did my time working for the likes of Bechtel and American Bechtel and Combustion Engineering and so many others I don’t remember. I have no desire to brave the cold winters in Wyoming, the Dakotas or Montana. I guess I’ll just hang in my shop and make more metal sculpture. Check out my website: Johns-ARt.com


        • WOW! John why in the world would you ever consider leaving your shop when you produce beautiful art like you do. I want to produce small aluminum boats and hopefully they will be seen as pieces of art too. Thanks for sharing your website. I did a clock with tig for my son and daughter in law as my entrance into functional art and if I can add it to this post will send it to you. Dan

          Oh well can’t post it but it is not up to the quality you produce so perhaps I won’t embarrass myself. D

  3. Jody I have learned as much from you as I did in the two Lincoln schools I have attended and have benefitted greatly from te tig finger. I have a question about automated wire feed for hot and cold automated tig. Have you used automated wire feed and can you tell me any suppliers of that equipment in the US. I am interested in applying it if possible to aluminum boat building I am setting up to do. Tip Tig is the only unit I have seen but getting them to respond to questions is like pulling teeth. Thanks Dan

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