Jody, on this video it is titled scratch start tig tips. But with your home made foot pedal you still did not show any tips on scratch starting with tig. I don’t have a foot pedal with my tig welder. It did not come with one. I have been practicing but am having a lot of difficultly not only with scratch starting but also with when I first start out for the first time each day for example, I get the buzzing sound like your suppose to have with my torch but after that each time I try to start an arc, I get an arc alright but it is just burning gas. It is not a buzzing sound like it should be. At times it is extremely hard to start the arc but then it just burns but does not give me a melted puddle. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Can you give me any help. Doug Sullivan. P.S. I have all of your DVD’s and enjoy them very much. Thanks for putting them out.
March 25, 2014 at 12:58 PM
Try DC Negative on your torch tip, DC Positive on the ground clamp.
March 21, 2014 at 12:37 PM
Jody, on this video it is titled scratch start tig tips. But with your home made foot pedal you still did not show any tips on scratch starting with tig. I don’t have a foot pedal with my tig welder. It did not come with one. I have been practicing but am having a lot of difficultly not only with scratch starting but also with when I first start out for the first time each day for example, I get the buzzing sound like your suppose to have with my torch but after that each time I try to start an arc, I get an arc alright but it is just burning gas. It is not a buzzing sound like it should be. At times it is extremely hard to start the arc but then it just burns but does not give me a melted puddle. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Can you give me any help. Doug Sullivan. P.S. I have all of your DVD’s and enjoy them very much. Thanks for putting them out.