Tig Welding Repairs for Machine Shops

Tig Welding Repairs


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  1. HI JODI I am welder in little garage from Europe Bulgaria, I regularly watch your video and your lesson , you great master ,thank so much for your competitions and video , KIND REGARDS Ivo Stoianov

  2. Refer to the question above.
    This a very small western area. Dog eat dog.
    Everybody likes the gravy jobs, big construction, etc.
    Some of the competitive welding shops act like lords of the land.
    How do you get the job, make a reasonable & fair profit? Keep the customer coming back?
    Setup time is important. Stop doing what you are doing and make the repair.
    Maybe it’s a big hurry up to get the machinist back to work for his mistake.
    Maybe it is no big deal just get it done anytime, whenever asap.
    A lot of your loyal fans ,(and customers like me) would like to know your thoughts.
    God Bless

  3. Congratulations on your distinguished welder award. Also you might be interested in the work of Burt Riendeau and Dave Schaffer concerning AC balance. What happens as far as penetration and cleaning is not what we have been told. They put on a seminar for the Green & White mountain Section and it was eye opening.
    Keep the videos coming. John Steel

  4. I really enjoy the real world jobs you show us. When I show my coworkers your video’s it makes it easier to explain. Do you have any practice tips for feeding the rod? I am ok on a short run but say you are filling a deep hole I have to stop and reset my filler rod which seems to get me in trouble. Thanks for the help.

  5. Thanks Jody for your video. For many years I’ve used heavy aluminum to back 18guage SS lapjoints using the pedal to pulse/fuse weld. The venerable Lincoln 175 square wave, air cooled HW17 as well as the (Linde/Esab) 250 square wave water cooled machines were great to work with. Now with the Miller dynasty 200 inverter with the water cooled package, i set it to pulse using the rule of 33 and am enjoying a new technique using clearly superior technology. I have a torch switch I have to play more with, but for now the foot pedal with 25′ lead is good. The kit came with a wireless pedal, and it was great for a while, but it seems to become buggy after much use. I end up just removing the transponder and plugging in a wired pedal. I enjoy your videos and been in the game for over 30 years. Theres always more to learn and improve upon. With great admiration, keep up the good work, and the next time we need consumable cups I will recommend your kits.

  6. Jody,
    It looks like no real reason to use any thing other than a gas lens and would a 200 amp
    inverter tig with square wave be enough for most 3/8″ and under jobs ?
    Always grateful,Ed

  7. You switched between Aluminum and Steel, except for required machine setting differences, would the same bead patterns you used be the same, or might you change some for the different metals?

  8. Good stuff Jody,
    I’ve done some of this and your techniques are really useful.
    A problem I always have is pricing this work to be fair to my customer and myself
    and be competitive.
    Any suggestions you can make along those lines will be appreciated.
    As always, thanks for what you do.

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