Mig Welding on Saturday – mig gases and weld symbols

mig gases

I had a rush Mig job on a Saturday and ran out of c25 (75argon/25co2) mig gas.
but I had plenty of straight Co2. So lets talk a bit about mig gases and maybe just a tad about weld symbols.

Here is the question of the day.
Do you like going to your local welding supply store? I dont. I ask questions like “hey do you have any inert gas check valves? whats the best flap disc for aluminum? do you have any of the new Maxal 4943 tig wire? ..they look at me like I have a horn coming out of my forehead.


  1. A few of my more memorable experiences at my LWS:
    Me: “Do you carry 1/16 2% Lanthanated tungstens?”
    Counter Guy: After disappearing for 10 minutes into the back of the shop…. “Nah, it is illegal to sell lanthanated tungstens cause of the radiation. Here are some Reds”

    Me: “What is you price for 5 lbs of ER70S-2 1/16 Tig Rod?”
    Counter Guy: After disappearing for a few minutes into the back of the shop…. “We don’t carry ER70S-2 cause it only works on new metal. Here is some ER70S-6. ”

    And just to keep things interesting… things generally cost 2-3 time more when buying them over the counter than through their own website 🙁

    Needless to say, I haven’t bought anything from the counter since I figured that out. I do order heavy stuff like rod from their website and have it delivered to the local shop for pick up. It tends to be cheaper than other sources because the shipping is free.

  2. We have O.E. Meyer here in Ohio as a local welding shop and there surely couldn’t be a worse place to shop. Example: Me: “Hey I’m looking for some 309L filler rod.” Them: “I never heard of it.” Me: “So what do you know about welding?” Them: “Nothing, and I have no intention on learning.” Me: “So is there someone we can call to get it here?” Them: “Maybe, but I don’t know who.” Me: “So do you want me to figure out who to call? Who is your boss and their number?” Them: “Hold on.” Walks in the back and comes out 2-3 min later. Them: “It will be here in two days.” Me: “So you know who to call now? Can I just talk directly to them?” Them: “You stuff will be in two days from now.” Me: “Well, what size will be here and how much?” Them: “Guess you will find out in two days.” Best service around….

  3. Jody,

    I’m famous here at my LWS, and it’s partly your fault…asking for inert gas check valves and 2% lanthanted tungsten, etc. I also have a habit of saying “hey guys, I want to put this square peg in this round hole using this here triangle shaped doohickey…” or some other similar project. Get a similar response, may as well be asking for a unicorn.

    I sort of solved my out of gas situations. In my little one man show, I have large cylinders of argon, c25, tri-mix and helium (your fault on the last one). For all of the above, except helium, I keep a small one next to it. When I run, I swap over to the small one as my backup This setup works for me without spending a ton of money. Plus it gives me the option to go portable, which happens from time to time.

    Love the videos and my TIG fingers.


  4. Werner Van Calster

    June 30, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    here in Belgium ( europe ) we have the problem that Welding stores hardly exist, mostly it is a part of a lager shop wich sells tools, or metals or everything to do with home improvement. Where as you might expect standard stick and Mig products are mostly available, but if you need or want something special, or you talk about Tig (?) they make eyes at you as if you come from another planet. And if they have “some” Tig products, you really should know beter than to as for Silicon bronze or aluminum Bronze unless you want to wait weeks and probably not if you just want to buy 1 tube.
    Jody, keep up the good work, I really learn a lot by watching your videos. and although I love the way you film the welding process, I sometimes hate the way you edit your talks ( flashes, abrupt finishes) , but if I am right you use it as a hobby ( that grew to more ?) so keep practicing.

  5. H. Jack Morgan

    June 30, 2015 at 11:06 AM

    “Ever run out of gas?”
    Hi Jody.
    The answer is no.
    I have equipped myself with an adequate number of cylinders from craigslist.
    This is on advice from the counter guys at two major chain, welding stores in my area. I asked them both, “what if they’re stolen?”.
    They both answered; “we never check. I would never knowingly buy stolen goods and I don’t think I have.
    Going to a welding store is my last choice. I buy on the Internet or buy used.
    At the store, the many people behind the counter are soooo busy. It takes forever to find the price of their goods, their stocks are incomplete and rarely have a price tag. It’s unusual to find an intelligent, knowledgeable, counter person.
    They rarely know the products they sell.
    You are my main source of technical information. I have seen all your video’s for the last 6 or 7 years. I bought all your disks and I have a good library. I don’t do
    Facebook so I’m probably missing something there.
    I run a one man fab shop out of my crowded garage at home and I’m the teachers aid at the local ROP welding school. Nothing better to stay sharp as teaching. But that’s what you do and I thank you for it.
    Jody Collier, “America’s Welder”
    I think you should put that on your shirts and decals.
    Best regards, Jack

    • Hey Capt Jack,

      Truth is I have spares too…but they were quite a drive from where I was working and by the time I made the round trip, I would have been done already.

      I probably have about 10 cylinders in total of mixes, pure argon, and helium.
      you would think I would plan a little better and have them at the right locations.

      Thanks for your tremendous support,


  6. I feel pretty lucky ! My supply store is open on Saturday 9:00 -1:30 . It works for me , because I cannot make it there 7:00 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday ! It is a mom and pop shop , so I try to support them ! And thank for the videos ! Also you may teach them something too ! Hey I’m learning more every day !

    • Michael,

      there are some really good ones out there too, in my experience , the mom and pops are a better experience and I like to support them as well…but they all seem to get bought out by airgas or praxair eventually.

  7. Hi Jody: Guess I have a better weld store and a better informed salesman. Jim has most of the answers to my questions, knows where to get the answers when he doesn’t know, and has never tried to fake answers that he is unsure of. Here in my wilderness, That part of NY between Jamestown, Niagara Falls and Rochester we have Tractor Supply stores that have “Thoroughbred” brand welding gasses. The best part is the store hours.as they are open M-Sat till 7:00pm and Sun 5:00 pm. Tanks are purchased, and are usually less than ten year leases. Tanks are exchanged when empty. they have Ox, Accet. and Ar/Co2(75/25). at my request the Dunkirk NY store even got a few straight Argon #4 for my TIG welding. Exchanges cost a little less than at the normal welding stores and by a purchase instead of a lease or rental I feel I am saving. The store has Hobart welders and basic stick and MIG supplies ( no Tig or speciality weld wires). I wish I could talk them into caring some specially gasses like Helium and 98Ar 2%Oxygen. I would like to ask if you could mix a small tank of gas by transferring gas from two or more tanks into a different tank, using a pressure gauge. to get per portions? Love your videos and comments LL&P Lloyd

    • Loyd,
      I have never experimented transferring gases before. I do have a Y fitting where I mix argon and helium as they come out of the flowmeters . not an exact way but it works great for tig welding thick aluminum


      • Its not hard to do I have used a manifold to connect two tanks a pressure gauge helps . it is simple math if the tanks are the same size. ex 500psi CO2 1500 psi Argon is 75/25. be sure you only add CO2 gas as liquid CO2 would be impossible to calculate %. This is only safe to mix inert gas, and never attempt to manifold Acetylene when tank pressures are uneven.

  8. Like when I told the guy I use helium for hotter TIG or ,”hey do you guys carry pyrex TIG cups?” Huh??

  9. Frank Koerbacher

    June 30, 2015 at 8:53 AM

    Kind of like asking for grinder grease, I use it any time I am grinding on aluminum it keeps the disc from loading up, and makes it cut better.

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