TIG Welding Stainless using both Walking the Cup and Freehand techniques

Walking the cup is a great way to tig weld pipe and other round stuff. But sometimes, there is other stuff in the way and its just not practical.

That’s when you have to prop your pinky or some other part of you hand against the part.
And then things start to warm up.

It sure is a lot easier to make a good weld when your fingers are not roasting.

And a Tig Finger sure does help.

What other people are saying about the Tig Finger

” If you do a lot of TIG welding you know that sometimes finding a good place to steady your torch hand is the hardest part of welding, many times dragging a finger is the only option, but that goes out the window when a part is hot, or you have to drag over what you have just welded, putting thick gloves on helps with the heat, but removes all dexterity and torch control. Not to mention having the leather fingers of your gloves go hard from the heat only to never be normal again.

Well this is your solution, slip this bad boy over the preferred finger and drag away, being made of woven glass, this thing resists heat like Ellen Degeneres resists …well, you know. Never again will you have to burn your finger to get those last few beads laid down.”

S. Stenton

“This product is the bomb…. full stop. Works for all types of welding. Never light up without one. Use it as a prop on your finger or just to rest the palm of your hand and scoot along. Can also double as a clamp pad so you don’t scratch up something you don’t want to. Couldn’t be happier with this.”

Jim Webb

“Very Very Very useful product. Allows more time to concentrate on the weld rather waiting to see how heat your hand can take. I purchased several it was worth every low penny. 10 thumbs up.”

Donald C. Cartier

“Got this at the same time as the Mag-Tab , Tried to mack one of my own , but one works so much better . Thanks
This too I had seeing on Tips & Tricks Welding.”

chris anderson


  1. That’s really informative piece of information. TIG welding with walking the cup as well as other free hand techniques are really helpful. TIG finger also sounds really interesting.

  2. Jody in the world of welding your an OG! Keep it up!

  3. i this weeks video you have your filler rod attached to the wall with push in tubing holders or hangers i just was wondering what they re called and where you got them thanks in advance ed

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